Prep Time:
Make Time:
Toral Time:

Rainbow crudité + colourful plant based dips are a signature dish at any Greenshaker event. It’s the perfect nourishing grazing appetiser to tie guests over until the main event. It’s easy to prepare, as it can be made ahead, and gives your guests an extra dose of plant based goodness, without filling them up on bread and chips.

The word Crudités, is French defined as pieces of raw vegetables (such as celery or carrot sticks) served as an hors d'oeuvre (appetisers) often with a dip. The word in French is the plural of crudité which means rawness and comes from Latin cruditas for indigestion, from crudus.

There’s no better time to munch on some raw veggies than end of year New Year's/ Holiday celebration, with a delicious array of colourful veggies are fresh, hydrating and healthy options to accompany or balance out your celebratory drinks.

As for the plant based dips, I tend to make a trio to go with my crudité, red (beets) yellow (pumpkin) and green (avocado), but you can make them with whatever veggies you have on hand. Generally a creamy veggie, with some kind of nut base, a little vinegar or citrus, oil, spices, seasoning, garlic and ginger, and a fresh herb of choice. I play around with any of these and often never make the same dip twice!

Crudité (here are some ideas for fresh veggies)

Watermelon radish
Persian Cucumbers
Purple endive
Cherry tomatoes
Snap peas
Red peppers

Beetroot Dip

3 softly boiled beets cut into cubes
1 cup walnuts or pecans
½  cup parsley leaves
1 dash red wine vinegar
1 lemon juiced
1/4 cup olive oil (enough to blend)
1-2 tbsp garlic paste dip
1 tsp cumin
1 tsp sumac
S+P to taste

Roasted Squash

2 cups delicata squash, or butter nut (roasted at 375 for 30 mins, until golden)
1 cup cashews
½  cup cilantro leaves and stems
¼  cup olive oil or more to blend
2 tbsp of the garlic paste dip
1 tsp curry powder
1 fresh lime juiced
1 tsp braggs liquid aminos
Dash of maple syrup
S+P to taste

Avocado Edamame

1 bag of frozen - de-shelled edamame
2 x avocados
1 tsp fresh ginger
½  cup cilantro leaves and stems
1 tbsp sesame oil
¼  cup olive oil or more to blend
1 tbsp of the garlic paste dip
1 fresh lime juiced
1 tsp braggs liquid amino or tamari
Dash of maple syrup (optional)
S+P to taste

1. Make each dip separately. Add all ingredients to a food processor, blend on high until well combined. You want a smooth/ yet still a little chunky consistency. Check flavours, add more citrus, or vinegar, salt or seasoning to your preference.

2. Prep your choice of veggies from the list above. Cut into bite size pieces, usually lengthwise. Tips to make your veggies crunchy, you can cut them and put them in an ice bath to make them extra crunchy before serving. The more rainbow crunchy options the better for presentation.

3. Serve on a large wood platter and arrange the veggies around the dips, this is the fun part, to decorate. Eat fresh and enjoy!

4. Dips will be stored in the fridge for up to 5 days, and can be used on top of salads, or roasted veggies for another meal.